General Info
Life is an adventure, especially here at Sky Lodge. Sign up for a wild week of sleeping in a primitive cabin, cooking around a campfire, orienteering, canoeing, BB gun practice, & chapel!
Adventure Camp is open to boys entering grades 4 - 6, and the space is limited (10 per week). So sign up early!
Adventure Camp Cost: $485
($40 Deposit + $445 Camp Fee)
Special Deals
Early Bird Reward
Send your youth camp registration in by April 1 and receive the official 2025 camp t-shirt free when you arrive at camp!
"I'm Coming Back" Discount
Attend 2 weeks of camp this summer and receive a $100 discount off the second week!
Family Discount
We will subtract 10% from the price when you bring a brother or sister to camp! (10% off the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc...)
*Limit one discount per camper
Required Forms (to be filled out online)​
Confidential Form
Health History Form
Prescription or Over-The Counter Drug Form
Check Out Form
If you have any further questions, please contact the registrar at camp:
Phone: 608-297-2566
We look forward to serving you and your children this summer!
Parent Info
Please read through our handbook to gain a better understanding of our program. It also includes a list of items to pack and pick-up/drop-off instructions.
Important details regarding our registration process:
All campers under the age of 18 must present a health history report completed by a parent or guardian.
Our campers' insurance is for injuries only and begins where yours terminates. In the event you have no personal or organizational policy, our policy will provide you with coverage within its limits subject to policy provision.
The use of alcoholic beverages, recreational drugs, and tobacco are prohibited.
If you must cancel, please notify the camp immediately. The deposit is non-refundable, but may be transferred to a new registration.
Rules for acceptance and participation in camp are equal for all regardless of race, color, national origin, sex or handicap.
Sky Lodge Christian Camp is a ministry of the North Central Conference of the Free Methodist Church.
Parent information will be sent out after registrations are received
7:15 Wake up, get dressed, and participate in cabin clean up.
8:15 Breakfast - Cooked over a campfire!
9:00 Morning Devotional - A short morning lesson from the Bible
9:30 First Aide Training - Campers will learn about great life skills
10:00 Activity
12:00 Lunch - Cooked over a campfire!
1:00 Free Time! - Go to the Hitching Post (snack bar), free swim, horse rides!
This free time is well supervised in all areas by counselors and camp staff. Your child will have choices as they go to and from activities, but each area is supervised.
3:00 Afternoon Activity
3:30 Knot Tying
4:00 Camp Craft
5:15 Supper - Another well balanced meal! (Mail is passed out)
6:00 Evening Activity - Group game that includes all campers.
It's always noisy and fun!
8:00 Evening Chapel - More fun songs with a guitar and a Bible lesson.
9:00 Get ready for Bed - PJ's, brush teeth, wash up and settle down for the night.
9:30 Cabin Devotions - Cabin counselor leads short story time and prayer with the kids.
10:00 Lights Out - Go to sleep after a fun filled day!