Thank you so much for your help and support, it's what helps keep this camp running, and its what changes kids lives!
Our Camps
Counselor Camper Incentive
Counsel a week = camper receive a $200 credit on camp fees
See info on the counselor application
*Counselors are more than welcome to volunteer for more than one week.
What Does It Take?
Our Junior Camp and Young Teen Camp counseling staff is made up primarily of wonderful volunteers who are willing to take a week or more out of their summer and come share the gospel with our campers here at Sky Lodge. We are incredibly grateful for these people and have watched their efforts make a gigantic impact on kids' lives summer after summer.
No matter your age, your background, your experience, or your personality; anyone can be a great counselor. We need our counselors to work as a team, laugh and have fun, and most importantly share the love of Jesus with our campers. Ultimately it just takes a desire to spend time with the kids and do a good job. We provide 2 training sessions (the day before Junior Camp and the day before Young Teen Camp) to lay out our expectations, give some practical tips for working with our campers, and run through some logistics for that week of camp.
We do offer a couple paid staff positions to counselors who able to make a whole summer long commitment as a counselor for our specialty camps. We call these our Specialty Session Counselors. We rely on them to fill one of the most important roles at Sky Lodge, supervision of and quality time with our campers in effort to lead them closer to Christ. They'll receive extra training so that they're capable of facilitating various activities for campers all around camp, along with extra support so that they're able to persistently go after hearts and minds with the gospel. Let us know if you're interested!
Two Counseling Options
Sign up for 1 week or more.
You get to pick the weeks you want to be here!
We are looking for lots of counselors, especially for our Junior and Young Teen Camps.
Must be 16+ for our Junior Level Camps (Grades 4-6)
Must be 18+ for our Young Teen Level Camps (Grades 7-9)
Specialty Camps Only
We are looking for 3 guys and 3 girls to serve as counselors for our specialty camp program (Equestrian, Cowgirl, Adventure & Guy Stuff). This would be a 6 week commitment for girl counselors (not all consecutive), and 2 weeks for the boys (not consecutive).
Must be 18+ for this position
$275 per week
Steps to Become a Sky Lodge Volunteer Counselor or Program Worker:
We are committed to having a positive impact on boys and girl’s lives for Jesus. As a result, there are 3 requirements before you can be a camp counselor:
1. APPLICATION - All counselors/nurses/program workers are required to submit the volunteer application
2. PASS OUR BACKGROUND CHECK - This is attached to the application.
3. COUNSELOR TRAINING - Cabin counselors and nurses will participate in Counselor Training:
All volunteer counselors & program workers must attend the onsite training which will take place the evening and the morning before:
Young Teen Camp Training
(June 14-15)
Junior Camp Training
(June 21-22)
The most effective counselors are prepared counselors. This helps eliminate surprise situations by equipping you to make informed and safety conscious decisions.
All volunteers are expected to attend the training session without campers. Other adults will need to provide travel for the campers.