Click on the picture to learn more about each horse
Jesse James is a 28 year old Morgan/QH gelding. He’s been at Sky Lodge the longest of all the horses in our herd, he arrived in 2005! He’s a trail horse deluxe and takes good care of our beginner and nervous riders.
Holly is a 16 year old registered American Quarter Horse mare. She’s a wonderful trail horse as well as a proper arena horse with the more advanced riders. Holly was bred to be a reining horse and was generously donated to Sky Lodge in April of 2023. Her and Liza came together from the same farm.
Liza is a 20 year old registered American Quarter Horse mare. Previously a reining horse, she was generously donated to Sky Lodge in April of 2023. Liza is a sweetheart and is a wonderful riding horse in the arena and on the trail!
Hoss is a 20 year old registered American Paint gelding. He is a terrific riding horse and loves his job at camp! He arrived in June of 2020.
Harley arrived at Sky Lodge in October of 2022. She is a 22 year old Rocky Mountain Horse. She’s a good trail horse and fun to ride in the arena too! She is gaited, which makes for an extra smooth ride.
Halley is a 14 yr old Appaloosa/Paint cross mare. She’s a great trail horse!
Doc is an 18-year-old Quarter Horse cross. He’s a wonderful riding horse for the arena and loves to blaze the trails. He arrived at Sky Lodge in July 2019.
Echo arrived at Sky Lodge in October 2017. She is a Saddlebred/Arabian cross and is 17 years old. She is a terrific trail horse!
Shotgun arrived at Sky Lodge in May of 2015. He is a 27 year old Welsh pony cross. He loves to canter and he loves kids!
Gypsy came to Sky Lodge in June of 2013. She is a sweet 18-year-old Dun mare with all the unique markings that are characteristic of her color. She is quickly becoming a favorite.
He is a 12 yr old, registered American Paint Horse who arrived at Sky Lodge on September 24, 2016. He is very friendly and he has the potential to be a great trail and kids horse!
Elf is an 18 year old, Morgan gelding.
Lightning is a 12 yr old gray registered Arabian gelding. He also arrived at Sky Lodge in November of 2014. He also enjoys the trails!
Trinity is a very special horse because she is an American Mustang! She is 13 years old and arrived at Sky Lodge in October of 2015.
Riser is a 23 year old Morgan/Arabian cross. She is a wonderful riding horse! She arrived at Sky Lodge in October 2015.
Lyric is a 24 year old Morgan/Arabian cross. She is also a wonderful riding horse and is Riser's half sister! She arrived at camp in October 2015.